In the aftermath of devastating floods in the Jeseníky region of the Czech Republic, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, also known as the “Yellow Angels,” provided vital physical and emotional support, mobilizing over 3,000 volunteer hours to clean buildings and assist displaced families. Their efforts were recognized at the 24th annual ? Aw
Ğ Award Goes to Czech Scientology ‘Yellow Angels’ for Life-Saving Volunteer Work in Jeseníky
In the aftermath of devastating floods in the Jeseníky region of the Czech Republic, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, also known as the “Yellow Angels,” provided vital physical and emotional support, mobilizing over 3,000 volunteer hours to clean buildings and assist displaced families. Their efforts were recognized at the 24th annual ? Aw
Ğ Award Goes to Czech Scientology ‘Yellow Angels’ for Life-Saving Volunteer Work in Jeseníky
In the aftermath of devastating floods in the Jeseníky region of the Czech Republic, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, also known as the “Yellow Angels,” provided vital physical and emotional support, mobilizing over 3,000 volunteer hours to clean buildings and assist displaced families. Their efforts were recognized at the 24th annual ? Aw
Ğ Award Goes to Czech Scientology ‘Yellow Angels’ for Life-Saving Volunteer Work in Jeseníky
In the aftermath of devastating floods in the Jeseníky region of the Czech Republic, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, also known as the “Yellow Angels,” provided vital physical and emotional support, mobilizing over 3,000 volunteer hours to clean buildings and assist displaced families. Their efforts were recognized at the 24th annual ? Aw
Ğ Award Goes to Czech Scientology ‘Yellow Angels’ for Life-Saving Volunteer Work in Jeseníky
In the aftermath of devastating floods in the Jeseníky region of the Czech Republic, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, also known as the “Yellow Angels,” provided vital physical and emotional support, mobilizing over 3,000 volunteer hours to clean buildings and assist displaced families. Their efforts were recognized at the 24th annual ? Aw